研華PCA-6106P3 6-slot 2ISA, 2PCI,1PICMG,1PICMG/PCI Backplane

研華PCA-6106P3 6-slot 2ISA, 2PCI,1PICMG,1PICMG/PCI Backplane

  • 尺寸:142 x270mm(5.59" x10.63")
  • 訂購(gòu)信息:PCA-6106P3-0D2E
  • The PCA-6106P3-0D2E is a 6-slot single segment ISA/ PCI/ PICMG passive backplane with 2 ISA, 2 PCI and 1 PICMG/PCI, 1 PICMG slots. It supports AT/ ATX power supplies and follows the PICMG platform specifications. This backplane is designed to work with Advantech's IPC-6806, IPC-6606 and IPC-6006 chassis.


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