研華DPX-M1265 The DPX-M1265 is a versatile gaming platform based on AMD Ryzen? V1000 processors providing a high performance multi-media engine and expansion.

研華DPX-M1265 The DPX-M1265 is a versatile gaming platform based on AMD Ryzen? V1000 processors providing a high performance multi-media engine and expansion.

  • Future proof I/O shield for upgrade to future DPX-E mITX motherboards
  • Security and access to meet the requirements of the gaming industry
  • Rugged Logic box design
  • The system provides a high performance multi-media engine optimized to the needs of gaming OEMs. The modular expansion architecture allows cost effective modules to be added for the specific application, adding features such as I/O, COMs, security, and specialized interfaces.


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